+ 45 30 32 46 49

Company information

IPC TEKNIK ApS is a trading company that specializes in the supply of mesasuring egiupment for industry in several industries
  • Chemical industry
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Agro technique
  • Wind energy
  • Food industry
  • Manufacturing companies, ect
IPC TEKNIK ApS has more than 30 years of experience in industrial process control and measurement technology, and we solve different metrological tasks like testing, development or quality control.
We continuously update our product program and its application, so we can best guide you in choosing just the metrological equipment that you need for your measuring task .
In addition, we place great emphasis on the advisory part , making IPC Teknik ApS to a flexible technical partner that is able to deliver both measuring equipment and know-how.

Company data

Messingvej 48A
DK – 8940 Randers SV
CVR.NR : DK-31282144
TLF.:         +45 86 41 46 49
Mobil:      +45 30 32 46 49
E-mail:     salg@ipcteknik.dk 
Web:        www.ipcteknik.dk